The LootyClub is a hub where talented competitive video game players come to challenge themselves with the oppurtunity of earning lootable cash stakes in addition to the pride that comes from winning against formidable opponents.
LootyClub is an online platform which allows you to contact competitive players across different selected competitive games on your favourite gaming platform. Take up match challenges or create your own challenge by fixing your minimum cash stake to be won or lost following the end result of the matchup.
First things first! You must be a resgistered member to be able to access the Hub & start challenges to earn money. Don't worry, it is easy & free of charge to do so. Signup
Upon registration, to engage or create match challenges you must top-up your account wallet with cash credit from which your match stakes will be deducted.
You won't be allowed to join or create a game whose match stake is more than your current wallet balance.
Game Creation
While on the Matchmaking section of your Hub, click on the 'Create Game' button. This should popup a form that let's you indicate the game title, platform & the amount of cash stake you are ready to allocate to the game.
After a valid creation of your game, with a little bit of patience & availability an opponent might take up your challenge. LootyClub should send you an email alert about an opponent joining your lobby with instructions on how to get the game started.
The only information shared between you & your opponent are your online platform usernames(ie. PSN or XboxLive). As the game's host, you will have to invite your opponent from your gaming platform & start dueling.
Join a Game
Still on the Matchmaking section of your Hub, just below the 'Create Game' button a table containing available matches created by other players should be loaded. This table displays detailed information about the game, platform & cash stake allocated to a particular match.
You can join any game per your desire as long as your current wallet balance is greater than the cash stake.
Once you confirm your availability for a game, an email containing your online gaming ID will be sent to the match creator(or game host) for in-game invitation.
Your gaming platform should operational & online in order to receive the invitation from the host. Upon reception & acceptance of the invitation, you should be all set to start playing.
Game Results
When a game is done, from the Matchmaking section of your Hub, switch to the 'Lobby' tab. On this tab, the two opponents are obliged to submit results indicating the final score of the match. This results should be a screenshot or clear photo detailing the online gaming IDs of the two oponents and the final score. Both results must be identical.
This is a mandatory procedure for the LootyClub team as we use this information for result deliberation.
Both opponents have a limited time of 30 to 45minutes to provide results following the end game. If an opponent fails to provide an image of the end match, the other opponent's image will be taken into consideration provided it clearly shows the online gaming IDs of both opponents.
If neither of the opponents provide a result, the match will be cancelled & our system might block or suspend both accounts for a limited time by precaution. If your account gets blocked due to late or no submission, you need to contact our support mail for unblocking.
After crosschecking both results by our team, a winner & a looser are being declared. The winner gains the total pot stake of the match while the looser forfeits his stake deducted from his account wallet.
Both winner & looser are notified by email about the end deliberation of the challenge. is not yet translated
Yes! It is possible for two opponents to challenge themselves locally (ie; both opponents playing physically on the same gaming platform).
The only necessity for this to count is to obviously create a game on our platform & letting your friend know how to join that game.
The same process still goes for the end results of the match. Both players will need to send a screenshot or image of the final game scores.
Some random issues like player disconnection or power outage may occur during a match being played. These unknown situations usually fumble the flow of the game but we have dedicated solutions to address these issues.
If a player disconnects or undergoes power outage:
If you have any concerns on our rules you can Contact us